Here's the latest on Abhi-Ash's honeymoon. The couple are honeymooning apparently in Tahiti after passing through New Zealand over the weekend."
On arrival at Auckland Abhishek and Aishwarya disembarked using a separate entrance from other business class passengers for their onward journey to Tahiti. They did
not exit the Auckland airport.
The woman passenger recognized Aishwarya from the film Bride and Prejudice (2004), which she had seen. The Bollywood interpretation of the Jane Austen story also stars
New Zealander Martin Henderson.
The sources also tell us that Ash and Abhishek were escorted out of a Singapore Airlines flight through a separate entrance, which separated them from the other business
class passengers, on their arrival in Auckland. Later they headed towards Tahiti.
The Singapore Airlines staffer requested a female passenger who was on the
same flight as Ash and Abhi, to give up her front-row business class seat so that a 'young honeymoon celebrity couple' and their two security personnel could sit together."
Tuesday, May 01, 2007 15:11 IST