Sanjay Dutt won Rs 25 lakh on KBC 3 and some portion of it went to the charity NGO Support (which rehabilitates street children addicted to drugs). There was also another
cause that merited greater financial support that Dutt hadn't spoken about though.
Dutt donated Rs 10 lakh to NGO Support, the remaining Rs 15 lakh he bequeathed to the Tata Cancer Memorial Trust for the treatment of a 15-year-old boy who is to
undergo a bone marrow transplant in the USA.
The 15 year old in question is Piyush Koalur suffering from bone marrow cancer, and the transplant is very expensive. The Tata Cancer Memorial Trust got in touch with
Sanju through Priya Dutt, and he immediately agreed to help.
He was extremely concerned about Piyush's condition. A lot of funds were collected for Piyush's treatment, but Sanju's donation formed a large chunk of it.
Thursday, May 03, 2007 13:00 IST