Prabhas has used his lockdown effectively and ensured no rock comes in his way of work announcing three big banner films back to back. The exemplary performance that the PAN India star gave in the epic two part Baahubali has travelled across the globe. Vijendra Prasad who has penned some pheonomenal films such as Baahubali, Bajrangi Bhaijaan and Manikarnika shares some insights.
Vijendra Prasad in an interview with a leading daily shared,"An actor's personality and character are very significant for his or her rise to stardom, and Prabhas affability with co-stars and filmakers have only added to his growth. Also his charismatic persona only seems to evolving further as he grows in the industry"
The writer further added,"He has a great physique too which also adds in making him one of the most desirable stars in India. No wonder he's one of the biggest box office draws in India."
The Baahubali actor has carved his way to success and eliminated everything that would come across his rise to stardom. The dedication with which Prabhas works is acknowledged by all especially the way he works in silence and makes noise with the success of every project.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020 14:24 IST