Anil Kapoor and Jackie Shroff, the iconic pair of Bollywood who entertained us with their performance in 'Ram Lakhan' (1989) are coming together once again on the screen in collaboration with filmmaker Subhash Ghai. Anil and Jackie will be working together after 31 years in Ghai's upcoming comedy film 'Ram Chand Kishen Chand'.
Talking about the film, Subhash Ghai told a media portal, "Yes, the three of us are planning to make a murder mystery comedy titled, 'Ram Chand Kishen Chand' under Mukta Arts Ltd."
Speaking about Anil and Jackie's character, the director added, "Both Anil and Jackie are playing cops in their 60s. Jackie is excited and Anil is as cautious as ever. But I loved the story and I love him. Just wait and watch, Mukta Arts is all geared up for movie productions in 2021.`
Anil Kapoor, a few days ago, took to social media to give a hint about his upcoming film with Jackie Shroff. Anil had posted a fitness post on Instagram, to which Jackie Shroff commented "Bhidu Bhari". Anil gave a reply saying 'Get ready for our next working on it." Till then it has created a buzz amongst the fans.
Subhash Ghai's 'Ram Lakhan' starred Jackie Shroff as Ram and Anil Kapoor as Lakhan. It also featured Dimple Kapadia and Madhuri Dixit in lead roles.
Thursday, September 24, 2020 11:36 IST