Producer Jackky Bhagnani is currently in the UK for the shoot of his upcoming project Bell Bottom starring Akshay Kumar in the lead role. Even while the producer is away, a source close to Jackky reveals how the producer has been multitasking by working on new scripts, songs for his label and spending hours on the post production work.
Talking about how Jackky has been multitasking while in the UK, a source close to him shares, `Jackky has been completely hands on for the shooting of Bell Bottom to ensure everyone's safety given that these are unprecedented times."
Adding futher the souce also says, `Simultaneously, Jackky is also looking into the post production work of 'Coolie No. 1' and working on new scripts and releases for JJust Music so that when he gets back to India, he can have a headstart on different projects.`
Jackky Bhagnani was one of the first producers to resume shooting with his crew and travel abroad. The producer has also personally looked into everyone's safety and has ensured that all the guidelines of the new normal are followed.
Jackky is working day in- day out and we can't wait to hear about his upcoming projects, and new releases from his label Jjust Music after the Krishna Mahamantra and the love song, Love You Te Duja Sorry.
Friday, September 25, 2020 09:33 IST