The Narcotics Control Bureau has summoned Deepika Padukone in connection to a drug case that sprung out of the investigations into the Sushant Singh Rajput death probe. The drug chats that are under scrutiny by the NCB include the names of the top five Bollywood celebrities with K, D, S, N, and J alphabets. In the drug chats D initially named as Deepika Padukone and also includes Karishma names, who is a KWAN Talent Management Agency employee and Deepika's manager.
Well, the Whatsapp chats retrieved by NCB from October 2017, show Deepika asking for 'maal' from 'K' who replies that she has it, but at home. Further 'K' says that she can ask 'Amit' if she wants it, as "he is carrying". Deepika also then clarifies that she needs "Hash" and not "weed" as the two discuss logistics. All the chats are revealed from Jaya Saha's phone who is KWAN's talent manager.
Now the questions arise, how it is possible to access the chats from the year 2017, then if we will go back in 2019, WhatsApp offers end-to-end encryption by default which means only the sender and the recipient can see the messages in circulation, not even WhatsApp. However, it does come with a backup option where you can store the messages to Google Drive or any other cloud storage services.
So this feature enhances user privacy, but in Deepika's case, investigative agencies may have cloned Jaya's device by creating a mirrored image of the phone and then transfer all the data to another device. This can be done with the help of cyber forensic experts who can retrieve anything from messages, images, videos, call records, and all remaining data that is stored in the drives. Or expect this it can also be possible, Jaya has used the backup feature and provided that chats easily to the NCB.
Now a big question emerges, can NCB take a legal action on Deepika or any of the suspects merely on the basis of Whatsapp chat? Then the answer is yes as under the Indian Evidences Act, 1872, a person can be tried if the evidence is found in the contents of electronic records.
Well, moving on to the current scenario, on September 25th, Deepika arrived with Ranveer Singh from Goa by a private charter plane and is ready for the NCB investigation. Earlier it was stated that Ranveer Singh wants to join the drug investigation along with wife Deepika Padukone held at the NCB office but now NCB officials have clarified and said, "There are questions whether Ranveer Singh is joining the investigation with Deepika. We confirm that we have not received any such request from any summoned person. The last email received from the concerned summoned person is only regarding joining the investigation."
Friday, September 25, 2020 16:49 IST