He said, "We have all been in favour of the theatre screens to reopen across the Nation and we are very pleased that the West Bengal Government has taken the first step forward in this matter. A lot of lives and livelihoods are associated with this, and even if with 50 people, it's a start nevertheless. We are hopeful after a brief period the Government will consider further relaxation of the number of people allowed. It is indeed a start and we all have to come together to make this upcoming festive season truly festive for all.`
`On behalf of the Film Federation of India, I welcome the opportunity to reopen film theatres and other forms of public entertainment. With 50 people we start and yes upon following all protocols I am confident the Government will revisit the cap and even more people will get the opportunity to earn their living by direct or indirect contact with the film exhibition industry` Mr. Firdausul Hasan, added.
We wish that other states will follow West Bengal Govt's decision and will allow cinema halls to operate again with proper safety measures and guidelines.