Former India Cricket Captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni, who recently announced his retirement from international cricket, marked his debut in the entertainment industry as a producer last year. Dhoni entertainment, the media company started by the two-time World Cup-winning captain stepped into the industry with his first project in 2019, the document series 'Roar of the Lion'
'Roar of the Lion' was helmed by Kabir Khan and charted the comeback of Chennai Super Kings, the Chennai franchise of the Indian Premier League (IPL) under Dhoni after the two-year suspension for spot fixing. Now, Dhoni entertainment's next production will be an adaptation of an unpublished book by debutant author.
Mahendra Singh Dhoni's wife Sakshi Dhoni, who took the spot of managing director of the production house revealed that the upcoming series is a 'thrilling adventure' . `The book is a mythological sci-fi which explores the journey of a mysterious Aghori who has been captured at a high-tech facility. The secrets revealed by this Aghori could alter the myths of the ancient, beliefs of the existing and course of the forthcoming.
`We would like to ensure that we execute all the aspects of this universe and bring out every character and story to the screen, with as much precision as possible. Web series fit our purpose better than adapting it into a feature film,` she said.
The cast of the series has not been decided yet. The series will probably release in the year 2021.
Thursday, October 01, 2020 12:42 IST