Indian-American actor Aneesha Madhok has tuned in the popular reality show Bigg Boss from this season and she is thoroughly enjoying the experience. The talented actor, who will be soon seen playing a lead in her Hollywood debut Bully High, already has a name from Bollywood, she would want to see locked up in the house. I would love to see actor Sidharth Malhotra in the Bigg Boss house,` shares Aneesha with enthusiasm. She also has a reason behind picking the well-known star from Bollywood. Explaining her reason behind it, she says, `He handles controversies really well and I would love to observe him in his element.
I love watching calm and composed people confidently handle drama". The actor whose Hollywood debut Bully High is being directed by Bill McAdams Jr, is also enthralled by the contestants of the current 14th season and by the superstar host Salman Khan. `I am really enjoying all the fun. All the contestants look to determined and positive. Of course Salman Khan, as a host brings a very different and exciting flavour to the show and I really like watching him too,` she says.
Meanwhile, besides gearing up to entertain her fans, Aneesha has also been vocal about the current issues. Her Instagram posts have constantly been trying to assert the need to spread love and not hatred, to speak about issues that matter and not get diverted by anything else. The young idol has a strong following on social media and is constantly interacting with them around similar topics.
Thursday, October 08, 2020 16:24 IST