Kulta!! Randi!! Chinaar!! Adjectives are endless when it comes to define existential presence in Sonagachi . The area that is hushed and not talked about by the so called elite or dignified.
What transmogrifies an individual into a Strumpet ?? Ordeals , bigger than life challenges, destiny or hypocrites like us !
Solace , empathy or human gesture are a far cry from humanity when it comes to mentioning Sonagachi. Hailing and applauding those who are recklessly hooted and ostracised !! The Strumpets of Sonagachi !! Lauding the soul , the heart and the indomitable spirit of life on Sonagachi . Rohit Verma dedicates the collection to the murkiest place of the world where the Sun never fails to shine , the air never fails to rustle and the rain never fails to patter. Let us all touch them through empathy , kind words and revere for what they are . Let's make a difference
You and Me and accept them for what or who they are. Time we look beyond and introspect the circumstances that have led them to lead a life they live and not judge by our menial approach . They deserve respect and humanity , they are a creation of this universe just like you and me .
Sonagachi where the battle is ongoing and the struggle to live comes with a price every moment . Love , Reverance and An Ode to Sonagachi. 'The Strumpets an Undying Spirit '