Actor Ansh Bagri, who is currently recovering from COVID, will be celebrating his birthday which is shared with none the shahenshah of Bollywood Mr. Amitabh Bachchan on 11th October. Ansh, who is also quarantined at home, `When I was small, I never realized that I share a birthday with a legendary actor. Later, when I got to know that I share my birthday with none other than Amitabh Bachchan I was so thrilled and happy. This made me realise I wad meant for the Hindi film industry. I am a big fan of him and I have watched almost all his films. He is an actor who can pull off any kind of role. He has always been a big inspiration for me. My dad was also a huge fan of him and he made me watch many of his films in my childhood.`
Ansh also met the legend in a very interesting way. Speaking about that he adds,` It was in 2003. I was working in a bank and I was traveling in my two-wheeler. I was in a flyover and all of a sudden I saw Amitabh Bachchan in a car but then the traffic was moving so before I could catch him, the car went ahead. And then in the next traffic signal I spotted him again and I was speechless. He sent me a signal with his eyes and asked me to meet across the road. Then, I met him properly and also got his autograph. That meeting is embedded in my heart forever. I wish I can work with him one day.`
Ansh also adds,`This year is a difficult year for everyone and unfortunately I am also infected with covid19 and now I have quarantined myself. I only wish for my good health now and pray for a corona free world.` Ansh's upcoming work will be a web series with Asha Negi and a music video.
Sunday, October 11, 2020 14:01 IST