On Sunday, the actress expressed her happiness on the completion of Thalaivi's schedule and shared some BTS pictures on Twitter. The actress tweeted, "With the blessings of Jaya Ma we completed one more schedule of Thalaivi- the revolutionary leader. After corona many things are different but between action and before cut nothing changes. Thank you team @vishinduri @ShaaileshRSingh #ALVijay." Check out her tweet here -
With the blessings of Jaya Ma we completed one more schedule of Thalaivi- the revolutionary leader. After corona many things are different but between action and before cut nothing changes. Thank you team @vishinduri @ShaaileshRSingh #ALVijay pic.twitter.com/CghmfK0JQf
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) October 11, 2020
Kangana Ranaut took to Twitter and shared a post by Salma Hayek which reads, "When I want to connect with my inner beauty, I start my meditation focusing on the goddess Lakshmi. Cuando quiero conectarme con mi belleza interior, comienzo mi meditación enfocandome en la diosa Lakshmi. #innerbeauty #hinduism #lakshmi." While quoting her post, Kangana Ranaut wrote, "Across the world I unexpectedly find Krishna, Shiva or Devi devotees, reagardless of religion or race many people love Rama or follow Bhagavad Geeta, but in India so many unfortunate souls mock Bhakti, clearly we aren't the ones who choose devotion rather devotion chooses us." Check out her tweet here -
Across the world I unexpectedly find Krishna, Shiva or Devi devotees, reagardless of religion or race many people love Rama or follow Bhagavad Geeta, but in India so many unfortunate souls mock Bhakti, clearly we aren't the ones who choose devotion rather devotion chooses us ❤️ https://t.co/RvFmqfrMWU
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) October 12, 2020
Kangana Ranaut also shared a mesmerizing short video on Twitter and shares some glimpses of view of the Himalayas. She wrote, "Hydrabad was beautifully pleasant, here back in Himalayas autumn is melting in to winters, when sun shines like this it creates an enchanting glow, slight cold blended with warmth of the morning sun makes one intoxicated." Check out her tweet here -
Hydrabad was beautifully pleasant, here back in Himalayas autumn is melting in to winters, when sun shines like this it creates an enchanting glow, slight cold blended with warmth of the morning sun makes one intoxicated 🙂 pic.twitter.com/fM7ucyh2g3
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) October 12, 2020
On the work front, Kangana Ranaut has some of the most anticipated movies in her kitty. She is going to be portraying the role of late politician Jayalalithaa in the biopic directed by Vijay A L's 'Thalaivi'. Along with Thalaivi, she also has Razneesh Ghai's film 'Dhadak' in the pipeline in which she will be seen as a spy.