Akshay Kumar has recently wrapped the shoot of 'Bell Bottom' and the whole team flew to Mumbai from Scotland, London. The actor who lately dropped the trailer of his upcoming film 'Laxmmi Bomb' is now back on the sets of his another big film 'Prithviraj' which is being helmed by Chandraprakash Dwivedi. The shooting of the film was hampered by the lockdown and now after seven months, reportedly, the team has resumed the shoot of Prithviraj from 10 October.
Miss World 2017 Manushi Chillar is all set to mark her Bollywood debut with 'Prithviraj' as she will be playing the female lead in the film. The media sources revealed that Akshay will start the shoot with Sonu Sood on a 15-day schedule and Manushi will join the shooting bit later. The film will also star Sanjay Dutt, Manav Vij, Ashutosh Rana, and Sonu Sood.
'Prithvirjaj' is a historical action-drama film and is backed by Aditya Chopra under his banner Yash Raj Films. The film is about the life of the Chahamana Rajput king Prithviraj Chauhan and stars Akshay Kumar in the titular role.
Akshay Kumar will also be seen in Ranjit M Tewari's Bell Bottom, a spy thriller film that is based on the true story set during the 1980s about some unforgettable heroes of the era. The film also stars Vaani Kapoor, Huma Qureshi, and Lara Dutta and is scheduled to be released next year on 2 April.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020 11:25 IST