In the world of women-centric shows, it's very rare to come across a show which revolves around men. But as they say, novelty is the spice of life, Madhu and Mahesh Pandey's Mahesh Pandey Productions' "Gupta Brothers: Chaar Kunwaare From Ganga Kinaare" has come to add that spice to our bored-with-the-pandemic-need-some-change life. As the name suggests "Gupta Brothers", the show revolves around four brothers - Shiv, Alok, Veeru, and Rajat - who think they are self-reliant and don't need a woman in their life. Interesting right? At a time when the industry has moved far away from shows revolving around kitchen politics, this show is going to be one of the game-changers. So if the title and the thinking of the Gupta Brothers are not enough for you to watch the show, here are five reasons why it is a must-watch.
The storyline: We have seen a few shows and movies that revolved around bachelor brothers who were against marriage, but this show is very different from them. The Gupta brothers, they don't hate women, and they are neither disrespectful towards them. They just feel they are self-sufficient and don't need a woman in their life.
Becoming "atmanirbhar": The lockdown imposed due to the Coronavirus pandemic taught us to become "atmanirbhar". From cooking to cleaning, we have done it all on our own. The show has incorporated that beautifully and there is nothing that the Gupta brothers can't do.
Hiten Tejwani: We all know what a fabulous actor he is. We have seen him as the sweet, romantic, boy-next-door, and even as a baddie on-screen, but this is his first-ever comedy show, and he has nailed it like a pro. His comic timing is just perfect and his chemistry with his younger brothers feels so real.
Gupta Ji Ka Gyaan: Hiten plays the role of Shiv Narayan Gupta in the show. At the end of every episode, the makers have included a unique segment called "Gupta Ji Ka Gyaan". From how can a five rupee coin makes a difference, to the importance of having a second income, Hiten shares tips, and tricks on saving money. And believe me, they are quite useful.
Aditi Deshpande: Veteran actress Aditi Deshpande is the spice of the show without which it will be incomplete. Her character Laxmi is dead, but she can talk through her photo frame, which is hung on the wall, and only Hiten can hear her. She keeps asking him to find suitable girls for his sons, but he refuses. She even warns him that one day a girl will enter the house and he will not be able to do anything. Their fun bunter is quite entertaining and interesting.
Other than this, the show also teaches about family values and love between siblings. In today's time when everyone is so busy with their own lives, the Gupta brothers show that unity is everything and there is nothing bigger than the love for their family. So, what are you waiting for, go and watch the Madhu and Mahesh Pandey's show on Star Bharat or Disney+ Hotstar.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020 17:06 IST