The trailer of the eagerly-awaited Chhalaang, a unique social comedy has been unveiled today. Directed by Hansal Mehta, the film is a Luv Films production and is presented by Gulshan Kumar & Bhushan Kumar. Produced by Ajay Devgn, Luv Ranjan, Ankur Garg the film stars versatile actor Rajkummar Rao & Nushrratt Bharuccha in lead roles along with Saurabh Shukla, Satish Kaushik, Zeeshan Ayyub , Ila Arun and Jatin Sarna in pivotal roles. The film is sure to strike a connect with children by releasing on the eve of Children's Day. Add to that, with the fervour of Diwali around the same time, Chhalaang promises to be a film that appeals to the entire household providing a wholesome family-viewing experience. Prime members in India and across 200 countries and territories can stream the global premiere of Chhalaang on November 13, exclusively on Amazon Prime Video.
Hansal Mehta's 'Chhalaang' was recently announced the release date of the film which is set for a digital premiere on Amazon Prime on November 13th despite the fact that theatres are re-opened, October 15th. On Saturday, the makers release the trailer for the hilarious yet inspirational journey of a PT Master from a semi government-funded school in Northern India. Once again with 'Chhalaang', the powerful director-actor duo Hansal Mehta and Rajkummar Rao are coming together after the critically acclaimed films such as 'Shahid' and 'Omerta'.
In the trailer, the story has been set on the dropback of North India, where a Montu (Rajkummar) is a typical PT Master for whom it's just a job. His life was just as lazy as he was and changed with the arrival of Neelima (Nushrratt Bharuccha) a computer teacher. Mintu tries to impress her but his sweet intentions get ruined when Akash (Zeeshan Ayyub) , a sports teacher, enters the into the life of Neelima and school. In the clash of ego and arrogance, Montu challenges Akash for a sports competition. Well, the trailer is quite intriguing and hilarious and it will be fun to watch Rajkummar in a PT Master role. Check out the trailer of 'Chhalaang' here -
Director Hansal Mehta shared, `We made this film with the hopes of delivering a beautiful message through a light hearted comedy. While being extremely relevant to student and teacher's life, Chhalaang is a complete package filled with emotions of love, comedy, friendship, rivalry and emotional drama making it a perfect Diwali family entertainer. We look forward to the film's global release on Amazon Prime Video.`
Actor Rajkummar Rao shared, `Sports plays an essential role in building the character of children while having fun! Chhalaang took me back to my school days - looking back I realise how the sports I played in school have shaped me as a person today. This is a special film - a true family watch and perfect as a Diwali launch. I look forward to the release of this inspiring film across the globe and hope that this family entertainer brings back joyful childhood memories while sending a powerful message.`
Actress Nushrratt Bharuccha shared, `I enjoy exploring unique, exciting roles across films and my character in Chhalaang is one that I have never explored before. When the film came my way, I was excited to essay this unique character while working with some of the best talent in the industry including Rajkummar Rao, Saurabh Shukla and Satish Kaushik, who are known for their impeccable performances.`
Chhalaang is a hilarious, yet inspirational journey of a PT master from a semi government funded school in Northern India. Montu (Rajkummar Rao) is a typical PT master for who, it's just a job. When circumstances put everything that Montu cares for stake, including Neelu (Nushrratt Bharuccha) who he loves, Montu is forced to do what he has never done- Teach.
Saturday, October 17, 2020 14:17 IST