Amazon Prime Video today unveiled an intriguing one-minute teaser of the recently announced Kannada family drama Bheemasena Nalamaharaja giving an exciting glimpse of the delicious story. The film centres on a strict yet relatable father who goes all out to bind his family with love and happiness. The one-minute teaser takes us on a joyful ride with a father-daughter relationship where the father is seen donning his ultimate chef hat and cooking mouth-watering food for his family with utmost love. Directed by Karthik Saragur, the film is produced by Pushkar Mallikarjuanaiah, Rakshit Shetty, Hemanth M Rao and stars Aravinnd Iyer, Aarohi Narayan, Priyanka Thimmesh, and Achyuth Kumar in the pivotal roles. Prime members in Indian and across 200 countries and territories can stream Bheemasena Nalamaharaja starting October 29 as a part of the festive line-up of releases on Amazon Prime Video.
For a dish to come to its complete form, it involves a combination of various ingredients, just as we come across many friends and foes in our life. To have the right kind of ingredients for a good dish, is just as important as surrounding oneself with the right people. Bheemasena Nalamaharaja is a family entertainer that would evoke feelings of togetherness and the irrevocable bond of kinship.
Bheemasena Nalamaharaja is set to stream on October 29 exclusively on Amazon Prime Video.