Kajol and Shah Rukh Khan starrer Dilwale Dulhania Le Jaayenge has created a huge impact on romance movies in Bollywood. Even after 25 years, the Aditya Chopra directorial continues to impress the audience across the globe. From the leads romancing in snow-clad mountains, the thrill of going on a Euro trip, the handsome hero serenading his beautiful heroine in a mustard field with one of the most romantic songs to the memorable dialogues, Yash Chopra made sure every YRF is truly created like a masterpiece.
Talking about getting a chance to work with the veteran filmmaker, Kajol shares, "It was an honour to have received an opportunity to work with Yashji. I miss him dearly. He used to share his wisdom with us whenever we got a chance, just talking to him helped Shah Rukh and me gain an insight into the industry."
She further added, "It's still unbelievable that DDLJ was made and released 25 years ago. So many cherished memories! I'll always be grateful to Yashji and Aditya Chopra for making me a part of such an amazing starcast and an evergreen movie."
Kajol went on star in multiple memorable movies, creating a mark in the industry with versatile roles, but even today her character Simran is highly cherished by the audience.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020 16:12 IST