Sunny Singh is an actor with a compelling on-screen presence. He has graced the screens in movies like Pyaar Ka Punchnama, Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety. The actor's remarkable work and promising performances have made the audience his fans.
During the lockdown, just like all of us the Punchnama boy has taken this time to think about his future and get fit by working out.
In a recent interview with a leading newspaper, the emerging star spoke about his work-out routine, he said, "I've built two already; that's all I could manage on my own. Now, with every month, one more will come."
He then went on mentioning how his bodyguard gifted him a clubbel and he has been working out with that too. Focusing more on fitness, the actor takes out time to work out twice a day.
Sunny Singh found his ground in the industry after playing 'Chauka' in Pyaar Ka Punchnama series which was a huge hit. His comic-timing, dialogue and portrayal of his characters with finesse have made the fans adore him.
Sunny Singh was last seen in Ujda Chaman in an unconventional role, which the actor pulled off with ease. He got a lot of appreciation from his fans and the critics for the same.
Friday, October 23, 2020 15:01 IST