Known for his impeccable style Aparshakti Khurrana will be walking the virtual runway on Day 4 of Lakme Fashion Week along with the stunning and debutant showstopper Radhika Madan. The duo will be sporting unique ensembles from the 'Neo - Phulkari' collection by designer duo Sukriti Aakriti. Phulkari, which translates to 'flower work', is a unique style or technique of embroidery particular to Punjab. More than just a handicraft, the threads of Phulkari are inextricably tied to the glorious history of Punjab. Phulkari, whose traditional significance is with a wedding or joyous occasion undergoes a stunning revival in this collection. The vibrant and playful textile arts are blend perfectly with the contemporary modern Indian wear silhouettes from this collection.
So, tune into Lakme Fashion Week's virtual hub this evening to watch the charming duo take over the ramp for Sukriti and Aakriti
Saturday, October 24, 2020 14:19 IST