Rajkummar Rao is all set to step into Veteran actor Dharmendra's shoes as the actor will be seen in the remake of the 1975 classic film Chupke Chupke. The Hrishikesh Mukherjee's film is being remade with the same name. And reportedly, Rajkummar Rao will be playing the lead in the film.
The actor will kick-start the shoot of Dinesh Vijan's comedy-drama film along with Kriti Sanon in Chandigarh. And as per media sources, the filming of the remake will begin from May 2021. Spilling more beans on the remake, a media source revealed, "The script is undergoing some rewrites as the makers are determined to do justice to the original. They are also in talks with several actors for the role of Sukumar, professor of English masquerading as Parimal, and trying to teach botany, enacted by Amitabh Bachchan in the original. The cast should be locked by December."
Speaking about the role, Rajkummar Rao had earlier shared in an interview that he would be doing the film in 2021. He had said, "It's a big responsibility to step into his (Dharmendra's) shoes. The scripting is underway now. We know that we can't match Hrishida's standard, but we will try to put our best foot forward.`
Talking about Raj's other lined up projects, the actor will be soon seen in Anurag Basu's Ludo that will premiere on Netflix on 12 November 2020.
He has also wrapped up Hardik Mehta's horror-comedy 'Roohi Afzana' featuring Janhvi Kapoor as the female lead.
Tuesday, October 27, 2020 11:56 IST