Kavita Kapoor, who had been portraying Meera in the Sab TV comedy show 'Yes Boss', got replaced recently. The show is going for a makeover and, thus, Kavita no longer
suits the character. It is being said that Kavita does not have the perquisites needed for the character now!
The show will now have a modernized look with a modernized Meera, which will now be played by Nazneen Patel. Naazneen is currently playing the character named Megha
in the Star Plus serial 'Bhabhi'.
When we contacted Kavita for her reactions on this, she got agitated. "If you want to know anything, please contact the channel. They will be in a better position to answer
you," said the frustrated actress.
Kavita even accused the media of blowing the matter out of proportion. "I do not understand as to why you people have to make an issue out of such a petty thing," yelled
When asked about what she would be doing next, Kavita added, "Listen, I'm not interested in talking about it and if you need any information on me being replaced in 'Yes
Boss', just go and ask the channel".
Now we know that it hurts to be suddenly ousted from a serial, but we only wanted to sympathize with you, Kavita.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007 12:32 IST