The series tells a story of an innocent struggling actor Karan (Hiten Tejwani) who stumbles upon the mysteries of a Secret Society. It explores the insides of the dangerous secret organisations and its members; their beliefs, hidden agendas and ultimate goal. Talking about his experience on working on `Ashuddi`, Hiten Tejwani said,`This is one of the few times I've worked on a thriller and I had a good time shooting for it and exploring this genre. My character Karan Oberoi is an innocent guy who comes to the city of dreams and wants to make it big and be a star. But due to some turn of events gets stuck in the dark world of superstitions and the malpractices of it. I am excited and looking forward to the launch.`
Apart from Hiten and Kavita Radheshyam, the film also stars Chandana Gowda in a pivotal role, who brings the twist to the plot. The series is all set to release on the app ULLU on the 30th of October, 2020.