A designated court will pass confidential orders on Wednesday in respect to the application filed by Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt and his three associates under probation of
Offenders Act, seeking release on basis of their conduct.
In case Sanjay Dutt's probation plea is denied he will spend at least 29 months in jail as a convict, without the privileges of home food or his favorite clothes. He will wear a
coarse white uniform with or without stripes and eat food cooked in the jail kitchen.
Dutt and his three friends were cleared of charges under Tada, however, they were found guilty under different provisions of Arms Act. Senior counsels V R Manohar and
Harshad Ponda had argued the PoA applications.
The Special Public Prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam has opposed their plea.
In his statements to court Dutt has always pleaded that he be spared as has a daughter to take care of and his family has suffered enough.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007 12:39 IST