With Mohit Suri's Malang (2020), Aditya Roy Kapur proved that he can handle a film on its own. His chemistry with Disha Patani and his acting chops were appreciated by the audience. Now with his next venture 'Om', Aditya will be back with his macho personality. According to the sources, Aditya Roy Kapur will next be seen in Ahmed Khan's action drama film 'Om'. For the first time, the actor will be paired opposite 'Dil Bechara' debutant, Sanjana Sanghi. Ahmed was so impressed with Sanjana's acting that he locked the actress for his next.
According to a latest report, "Ahmed was scouting for a young Gen-Y actress who would not only look great opposite Adi but also be a fresh pairing on screen. Several names were discussed and approached. But, eventually, they have locked Dil Bechara heroine Sanjana Sanghi for the film. She plays Adi's love interest but also has several action scenes in it."
The source revealed that "Ahmed was mighty impressed with Adi's performance in Malang and loved Sanjana's nuanced role in the Mukesh Chhabra directorial. When they sat for the narration, Ahmed felt Sanjana suits the role to the T. She has already signed on the dotted line," The source further added, "There were advanced talks with both of them, but they couldn't do the film since they already have prior film commitments. Ahmed wants to wrap this film by early next year, whereas Tara has worked on Villain 2 and Disha has to wrap up KTina, followed by Shahid Kapoor starrer Yoddha where she plays the female lead,"
Well, the action drama directed by Ahmed Khan will go on the floor soon and before locking Sanjana for the film, the director was in the talk with Tara Sutaria and Disha Patani but prior to their professional commitments to respective projects, Ahmed went on with Sanjana. The film is set to release in 2021 although Ahmed Khan hasn't announced anything yet on it.
Wednesday, October 28, 2020 15:29 IST