Last month, Rhea Chakraborty filed a case against Sushant Singh's sisters Priyanka Singh and Meetu Singh. Her complaint was based on a Whatsapp chat between Sushant Singh Rajput and her sisters that were happened on June 8th just six days before he committed suicide. In the chats, Priyanka Singh advised Sushant to take three medicines prescribed to cure depression and anxiety, 'Librium, Mexito and Lonazep'. On Wednesday, Rhea Chakraborty said in her petition that Priyanka used fabricated medicine prescriptions for Sushant which are banned under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act. She also stated that his family was aware of his mental condition.
Now CBI submitted their revert on the case filed by Rhea against Sushant's sister in the Bombay High Court and stated that "An FIR filed against Sushant Singh Rajput's sisters on Rhea Chakraborty's complaint is "vitiated and bad in law." Officials also claimed that Rhea's FIR is "presumptive and speculative" and could well have been part of the ongoing investigation.
CBI said if Rhea and Mumbai Police had any valid information on the late actor's death then they can directly be shared with the agency's officials, so the officials can take immediate action but the FIR registered at the Bandra police station wasn't required. Now, CBI has backed the petition by Sushant Singh Rajput's sisters to dismiss the FIR.
Well, Rhea Chakraborty is facing several investigations over the death of Sushant Singh Rajput and urged the Bombay High Court not to dismiss the case registered by her on Rajput's sisters. As she accused the sisters of helping the actor access anxiety drugs illegally, using fake prescriptions. Sushant who was found dead in his apartment on June 14th, later on the Rajput family alleged that Rhea was mentally harassing him and had a major role in the death of the actor.
Thursday, October 29, 2020 16:49 IST