After mirroring the life of every Indian woman through his show "Anupamaa", Rajan Shahi's show will now focus on Anupamaa's journey on creating her own identity. Her husband's disloyalty did not just break her trust and believe, but the love that she had for him for 25 years also vanished. She even warned Vanraj to stay away from her and that from now onwards she will lead her life on her terms. But the family can sense some tension. So will Vanraj speak up and own his mistake?
Meanwhile, Paritosh and Kinjal also have a difference of opinion over Vanraj and Kavya's love affair. While Paritosh is adamant that his father broke all ties with Kavya, Kinjal refuses to agree. This leads to a tiff between the couple and they break up.
On the other hand, Vanraj has a wicked plan in his head. He doesn't want to let go of both the women from his life. But will he be able to manipulate Anupamaa and convince her to be okay with Kavya. Also, will he be successful in gaining sympathy from his kids? Paritosh already knows the big secret, and in the upcoming episode, the audience will see that even Samar gets to know about his father's extramarital affair. His reaction comes as a shock to Vanraj.
What will happen next? Will the family support Anupamaa? What will they tell Vanraj when they get to know about his affair? Also, with all this going on, Vanraj seems to be losing his cool, so will he finally reveal the secret to the entire family? To get all these answers don't forget to watch "Anupamaa".
Produced by Rajan Shahi and his mother Deepa Shahi, "Anupamaa" airs at 10 p.m. on Star Plus. It features Rupali Ganguly, Sudhanshu Pandey, Madalsa Sharma, Paras Kalnawat, Aashish Mehrotra, Muskaan Bamne, Arvind Vaidya, Alpana Buch, Shekhar Shukla, Nidhi Shah and Anagha Bhosale.
Thursday, October 29, 2020 17:23 IST