Directed by Bugs Bhargava Krishna, the series, in which Rajit Kapur, and Anand Tiwari will also be seen in pivotal roles, follows a murder-mystery that also twists in the discovery part of the plan into its tale. In a statement along with the poster on Instagram, Rampal, who is essaying the role of Sid Jaisingh, a high-profile defense lawyer, wrote in the caption - "A case so mysterious where you will wonder, what's the right verdict? #NailPolish, coming soon on #ZEE5". Have a look at the poster here -
The poster shows the sharp look of Arjun as the defense lawyer who seems to emerge mastering in his fight against justice. Arjun also gets many comments under his post, and the first one is his friend Rahul Dev who wrote, `Deadly Arjun.`
The interesting series is set to premiere on the OTT Platform, ZEE5, near the New Year, but the release date is yet to be unveiled. Nail Polish is being produced by Pradeep Uppoor, Seema Mohapatra, Jahanara Bhargava of Ten Years Younger Productions, and Dhirajj Vinodd Kapoor.