It's superstar Shah Rukh Khan's birthday on November 2, and wishes have started to pour in from all corners of the world. But "Gupta Brothers: Chaar Kunware From Ganga Kinaare" actress Sonal Vengurlekar is way too excited for her favourite actor's birthday. Fortunately, she got a chance to meet him in person when he visited the sets of her show "Yeh Vaada Raha" to promote his film "Dilwale". Remembering their meeting, she said, "I had so many things that I had planned on telling Shah Rukh sir when he comes on our show. But when I met him, I was so starstruck. Just seeing him in front of us made me speechless."
Well, Sonal is not satisfied with that one meeting. In fact, she aims to work with King Khan one day. "His personality is so charismatic, and he is such a good human being that I wish to share screen space with him one day, and not just for promotional purposes, but a full-fledged role. He is so well read that I think it will be a good learning experience for me," she said. Wishing the Badshah of Bollywood on his birthday, Sonal said, "I just wish King Khan, a very happy birthday. May you keep entertaining us now and forever."
Monday, November 02, 2020 14:40 IST