The renowned actor Vijay Raaz, known for his massive performance in Gully Boy, Monsoon Wedding and others is now in legal trouble. As the actor has been arrested by the police in Gondia near Maharashtra when he was shooting for Vidya Balan's next venture 'Sherni'. He was arrested on the ground of assaulting his crew-member who was staying along with the other star cast in a Hotel. The team was staying in two different hotels in Gondia and used to go to Balaghat, some 40 km from Gondia, every day for shooting in forest areas.
According to the reports, Vijay Raaz was continuously harassing and molesting his crew-member during evening hours for at least three days. Getting done with his behaviour, the victim approached the local police and lodged an FIR against the actor. It has been also said that Vidya Balan was also staying in the same hotel where the incident happened.
An ANI report has quoted Atul Kulkarni, Additional SP, Gondia as saying, `Actor Vijay Raaz was arrested from Gondia allegedly for molesting a woman crew member. A case has been registered.` Vijay was booked under section 354 (A and D) of the Indian Penal Code and produced before the local court but was later released on bail.
Vijay Raaz's career went to a breakthrough when he played the role of Dubeyji in the movie Monsoon Wedding in 2001. In 2014, he debuted as a director with Kya Dilli Kya Lahore. Raaz garnered massive recognition for his comedic role in the 2004 film Run. In 2011, he played a ruthless gangster in Delhi Belly. His gruff baritone voice makes Raaz a much sought after Voice-Over artist too. He has lent his voice to various films and ad commercials.
Vijay was recently seen in Lootcase and is currently looking forward to the release of Suraj Pe Mangal Bhari. He reportedly has a role in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's upcoming film Gangubai Kathiawadi as well.
Wednesday, November 04, 2020 10:44 IST