Shah Rukh Khan is finally gonna be back on the silver screen super soon with the speculations going on in the market. The actor has some big lined up projects ahead of him on which the actor will start working soon. Shah Rukh's next film 'Pathan' which reportedly have John Abraham as a villain and Deepika Padukone as the lady has now a new update.
Reports are rife that superstar Salman Khan will join the star-studded film 'Pathan'. However, nothing has been confirmed officially but media sources suggest that Salman will be reuniting with King Khan in Siddharth Aanand's 'Pathan'. The two Bollywood superstars have been enthralling fans with their cameos in each other's films for the past decade.
Shah Rukh is expected to begin work on this film later this November and is expected to carry on shooting well into the New Year. He will also be seen in south director Atlee's next film. Reportedly, King Khan be playing a double role as a special force officer and a gangster in the movie. Apart from these, the actor will feature in a cameo role in Ayan Mukerji's action fantasy film 'Brahmastra'.
Well, it's for sure that Shah Rukh Khan will be rocking 2021 with his big films.
Friday, November 06, 2020 13:08 IST