Harshvardhan Rane, who made his Bollywood debut with the film 'Sanam Teri Kasam' is all set to make his way into the filmy world as he has some interesting projects lined up. The actor who was last seen in Bejoy Nambiar's multi-starrer Taish has bagged Vinil Mathew's murder mystery, 'Haseen Dillruba'. While the Taapsee Pannu and Vikrant Massey starrer is completed and will release in the first quarter of 2021, reportedly the actor has also signed two more films.
Now it has been recently learned that Harshvardhan Rane has joined hands with his friend and mentor John Abraham for a romantic drama. Produced by John in association with Bhushan Kumar's T-Series, the drama has been titled Bolo Tara Ra Ra. "The project is at the very early stage right now but Harshvardhan is doing it. It's currently being written and will go on floors in March next year. However, Rane is doing one more film before that and he'll start shooting for it from 9th November," a media source revealed.
Well, Harshvardhan Rane was supposed to make his Bollywood debut with John Abraham's production Satra Ko Shaadi Hai back in 2015. It was a romantic comedy set in the backdrop of a big fat Indian wedding and also starred Barun Sobti and Sapna Pabbi but the film was shelved due to some reason.
Meanwhile, John will next be seen in Sanjay Gupta's 'Mumbai Saga', and Milap Zaveri's 'Satyameva Jayate 2'. Both are scheduled to release in 2021.
Monday, November 09, 2020 11:31 IST