Malayalam superstar Mohanlal Monday celebrated his 47th birthday in style with the launch of his new film "Alibhai" apart from cutting a cake with his family and thousands
of fans.
Over 2,000 of the actor's fans had turned up at the Kinfra Film and Video Park campus, on the outskirts of the state capital, where he owns a studio. Mohanlal's mother and
wife were also present.
"This is the first time that I am celebrating my birthday and the launch of a film in my hometown. It was indeed a totally different experience and I am delighted to be with my
fans," Mohanlal told reporters at the venue.
The veteran actor has worked in more than 300 films in his career spanning over 27 years.
His new film "Alibhai" will be shot mainly in a picturesque Tamil Nadu village in Pollachi Wednesday onwards. It has proved to be a lucky location for Mohanlal with
blockbusters like "Thenmavinu Kombathu" being shot there.
Shaji Kailas, director of "Alibhai", said a record 140 artistes would act in the new venture.
"This film would be an Onam (Kerala festival) gift by Mohanlal to his fans. It is produced by the actor's company and will be released by Aug 15," Kailas told.
"It is about Mohanlal's character being jailed for a crime that was really not his fault. After his release, he fights a mafia. It has all the ingredients of being ranked as the
biggest film made in Malayalam," Kailas added.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007 13:28 IST