Ashna Kishore, who is currently being seen as Kat or Katori Singh in the comedy show 'Happu Ki Ultan Paltan' will be celebrating Diwali in Delhi with her family. She says `This year I have got some time off so I am going to Delhi. I am very happy and excited that will be celebrating Diwali with my family. Usually I don't get time off, but this time I am lucky. This time everything will be very minimal, we are making sweets at home only. We are against crackers and will be celebrating with diyas. We are getting them from the local shops only. I am supporting the concept of vocal for local and am also asking my friends and fans to follow this.`
Speaking about her show Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, she says,`In spite of the current pandemic situation our show is generating laughter. What else can we ask for. Many have told me that we are the initiator of smiles on their face. It's a very good feeling. This is the first time I am working with Binaiferr and Sanjay Kohli. The way the production house is taking care of us is very commendable. Regular sanitisation on set is a must and also the production house makes sure to do a covid test if anyone is going out of the town. It has been a wonderful and fruitful association with the production house and I am looking forward to a long journey with them.`
Monday, November 16, 2020 14:52 IST