Saif Ali Khan, who is currently shooting in Dharamshala for his upcoming horror-comedy 'Bhoot Police' has recently revealed that the actor is considering backing out from writing his autobiography. Saif had earlier announced in August that he is pretty excited about his book that was expected to release next year.
Saif recently appeared on Jacqueline Fernandez and Amanda Cerny's new podcast and revealed that he might not go with his book as he thinks that a section of society would not appreciate him being honest with his story. While talking about his book on the podcast, he said, `Someone asked me to do a book, and I might chicken out, because it's too much work to do it properly, and then you have to be very honest as well, which probably will disturb quite a few people. Honestly, I don't know if I am prepared to put myself through the 100% abuse that's going to come my way.`
He further stated, `I'm really sorry to say it, I'm going to say it, I don't think the general audience -- and not just general -- but there will be a section of the audience that's so negative in India that I don't want to share my life and talk about things...` He laughed that he hadn't even told the publishers that he was having second thoughts. `Maybe I'll do it, maybe I won't,`
`When I was walking today, part of the book should describe what I was feeling and thinking looking at these trees and thinking about how lucky we are to be shooting in Himachal, and it's not really,` he said.
Talking about his work front, Saif Ali Khan is soon going to share the screen space with actors like Jacqueline Fernandez, Yami Gautam and Arjun Kapoor in Pawan Kripalani's Bhoot Police that is slated to release next year. On the personal front, Saif will be welcoming his second baby with Kareena Kapoor Khan in 2021.
Saturday, November 21, 2020 17:56 IST