Anushka Sharma shared a BTS picture on Instagram story as she is speculated to be shooting for an advertising commercial. In the picture, her staff has been seen wearing PPF kits and face masks. While taking a jibe at their PPF kits, the actress wrote, "Looks like there's a dress code on set today." Check out her Instagram story here -
On her film front, Aanand L. Rai`s `Zero`, co-starring Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif, remains Anushka Sharma's last project. It has also been stated that she will portray the role of Jhulan Goswami in the biopic but the actress hasn't announced any statement of it. Well, for now the actress is shooting for commercials and following the footsteps of Kareena Kapoor Khan who is also shooting for ads while sitting at her home.