Actor Nikkhil Arya, last seen in Haiwaan, will be starring in Brahmarakshas season 2 as the main villain Prithvi. The actor has a rich, majestic and chic look. He says,`Brahmrakshash 2 is a successful supernatural franchise from the house of Balaji Telefilms and they can never go wrong I have played all kinds of characters on TV be it a romantic, a baddie or a mythological character This role is particularly different since it is undefined and there is a scope and tendency to act, overact, underact, etc since the story is a fantasy..this increases an actors responsibility to define the character and portray it in a way that's likable to the audience. As an actor, every role is a new challenge. I am pleased to be a part of the cast of Brahmarakshas Season 2. The team is extremely fun and sincere.`
Nikkhil gained 5kgs for the initial part of the role and now is preparing to get back to his old shape. Ask him to comment on his 20-year long association with Ekta Kapoor and he says,` there's not much a 'drop' can say about the 'ocean'". The show went on air on Sunday.
Monday, November 23, 2020 10:08 IST