Versatile actor Saanand Verma was recently spotted with actor Paresh Rawal in Chandigarh. They were shooting for Rajkumar Rao and Kriti Sanon's untitled film directed by Abhishek Jain, it's being produced by Dinesh Vijan. Saanand has an important role to play in the film.
Speaking of this Saanand says, "Sharing screen with Paresh Rawal was always in my list and I am so happy this happened through this film. We had a very good outdoor in Chandigarh and I had some great moments. Paresh Sir is an actor par excellence. One can learn so much just looking at his acting. I am a greedy actor and I have always taken something or the other from my co-actors. This time when I met Paresh Rawal on the set I was so happy to see him in front of my eyes. Look at the films he has done in his career, played negative and positive roles both very convincingly and that's the best part. My favourite film of his are Judaai, Hera Pheri, Oh My God, Sardar the list is endless.` Earlier Saanand has done films like Mardaani, Raid, Pataakha, Chhichhore and in Sacred Games season 2. Saanand is currently playing the loveable Saxenaji in Bhabiji Ghar Par Hain.
Monday, November 23, 2020 16:33 IST