According to a hot buzz these days, Aishwarya Rai has gifted a total of Rs 8 Crores from her earnings to her paretnts and brother before stepping into the Bachchan family as their bhau last month.
Her mother Vrinda Rai got the biggest slice.
In addition to the money she gifted, Aishwarya spent several crores on her marriage with Abhishek.
She bought Rs 3 crores worth of jewelry from AK Motiwala jewelers in Bandra and a large amount of jewelry from Golcha Jewelers.
In addition to jewelry she spent a lot of money on clothes for the weeding having bought Rs 4 Lakhs worth of sarees from Kala Niketan and a large number of Kanchivaram and Pochampalli saris from Nalli's.
Friday, May 25, 2007 14:05 IST