Akshay Kumar's comic timings are unbeatable and this is the one reason why his comedy films gained huge success at the box-office. With a string of line-up films, Akshay Kumar is all set to start shooting for his next Bachchan Pandey opposite Kriti Sanon. In the film, Akshay will portray the role of a gangster who aspires to be an actor. On the other side, Kriti will helm the journalist role who wishes to be a director. Now, one more actor has joined the action-comedy flick, as Farhad Samji has roped Arshad Warsi to play a key role in the film.
More about his character then Arshad will play the role of Akshay's friend in the film. As per the reports, his character will have multiple shades with a special look. As the director wants to cast such an actor along with Akshay who can match his comic timings and Arshad's hilarious acting chops are not hidden from anyone.
This is going to be for the first time, Akshay and Arshad are sharing screen although, the actors have been part of the 'Jolly LLB' franchise. The film will start shooting from January to March 2021 in Jaisalmer. The makers have also planned to shoot a few film scenes in places like Gadisar Lake and Jaisalkot.
On the other side, Akshay Kumar has almost 10 films in his kitty which includes Prithviraj, Atrangi Re, Bachchan Pandey, Raksha Bandhan, Ekta Kapoor's action film, and more in pipelines. The actor is also in talks for 2 more films, investigates thriller and a social comedy but he is yet to take a final call on them. Well, we can say that Akshay's entire 2021 is now packed with his upcoming projects and fans are quite excited to watch him and Arshad for the first time on the big screen.
Saturday, November 28, 2020 11:11 IST