Arjun Kapoor is shooting in Himachal Pradesh for his next horror-comedy flick, 'Bhoot Police' alongside Saif Ali Khan, Jacqueline Fernandez and Yami Gautam. The star cast has shot in Dalhousie and now they are in Dharamshala. But it seems like Arjun Kapoor is enjoying his shooting days in the valley of mountains. A few days back, his rumored girlfriend Malaika Arora also accompanied the actor in Dharamshala.
In an interview with a leading tabloid, Arjun Kapoor said, "It's actually refreshing to be outdoors and shooting for a film. It was really tough for our industry when the pandemic started and lockdown followed thereafter. I'm really happy that the industry has found its feet again and has started shooting with utmost care. It has taken a lot of preparations and stringent safety measures had to be applied for things to resume,"
He further added, "I'm just glad that we have been able to achieve a bio-bubble because we have been going to different locations for our film and the risk of infection is way higher when you travel this much. My producers have done a tremendous job at protecting every cast and crew member and they definitely deserve all the credit for a super smooth shoot. I would also like to thank the local government and authorities of Himachal Pradesh for making it a smooth shooting experience."
Bhoot Police will be largely shot across Dharamsala, Dalhousie, and Palampur. The film is presented by Tips Industries Ltd in association with 12th Street Entertainment production house and produced by Ramesh Taurani and Akshai Puri, and directed by Pavan Kriplani.
Saturday, November 28, 2020 16:32 IST