After the super success of Kabir Singh, Kiara Advani marks her presence in Bollywood with films like Good Newwz, Guilty in which her acting chops were appreciated by critics and audiences as well. For now, the actress is waiting for her next rom-com film 'Indoo Ki Jawaani' which will hit the theatres on December 11. Moving forward, it has been reported that the actress is in talks with Ashutosh Gowariker for the film 'Karram Kurram', based on the success of Lijjat Papad. Well, the organization is an Indian women's cooperative involved in the manufacturing of various fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG).
'Karram Kurram' will be produced under Ashutosh Gowariker production and helmed by Glenn Baretto and Ankush Mohla. The film title is inspired by Lijjat papad's 90's advertisement in which Karram Kurram word was used to attract a large audience. Well, watching Kiara in the lead role will surely bring some newness on the screen and with a strong screenplay, the film will talk about the women's empowerment theme.
Going back in history, Lijjat is known as the brainchild of seven Gujarati women from Bombay. The women lived in Lohana Niwas, and wanted to start a venture to create a sustainable livelihood through cooking. The seven women were named Jaswantiben Jamnadas Popat, Parvatiben Ramdas Thodani, Ujamben Narandas Kundalia, Banuben. N. Tanna, Laguben Amritlal Gokani, Jayaben V. Vithalani, and Chutadben Amish Gawade started this organization. It seems like Kiara will play the lead role who established the organization and inspires other women to connect with the cooperative organization.
In 1979, Lijjat teamed up with UNICEF to organize a seminar in Mumbai on 'Child Care and Mother Welfare', as part of the International Year of the Child celebrations. Shri Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Papad's inspiring story will surely win the audience's hearts but still, an official announcement is yet to be made by the officials.
Friday, December 04, 2020 17:15 IST