Amitabh Bachchan has returned to do a Bhojpuri film after a break for over two months for son Abhishek's
wedding to Aishwarya Rai. The film titled "Gangotri" is a sequel to his earlier Bhojpuri blockbuster – Ganga.
Bachchan did "Ganga", the first part of "Gangotri", three months after his discharge from the hospital in
December 2005. He'll be shooting for five days at Film City, taking forward his character of Thakur from
"Ganga" after his release from prison.
It's believed that talks are on with Hema Malini, who played Bachchan's wife in "Ganga", to play a cameo in
this one.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007 10:47 IST