A few days back, Varun Dhawan, Maniesh Paul and Neetu Kapoor has been diagnosed with Coronavirus and now it has been revealed that Kriti Sanon has also tested positive for COVID-19. The actress was in Chandigarh and she flied back to Mumbai. Although, nothing has been confirmed by the actress but as per the reports Kriti is being quarantine.
Kriti Sanon was shooting with Rajkummar Rao in Chandigarh for her upcoming project. If we talk about the B-town celebs contacted with the virus then recently, there are several stars who have tested positive. The film 'Jug Jug Jeeyo' star cast was residing in Chandigarh when they diagnosed with COVID-19. The director Raj Mehta also tested poistive with the same virus.
On one side, Kiara Advani and Anil Kapoor tested negative, Varun Dhawan confirmed the news. In his confession, he accepted that he took all the precautions but still he contracted with COVID-19. The actor also asked his fans to be extra careful and take all the necessary precautions amid the pandemic.
Although, Kriti Sanon was keeps wearing mask entire his shoot but still the actress contracted with virus. Well, we hope Kriti will recover soon from the virus and starts shooting for her upcoming film. Talking about actress work front, then Kriti was about to began Akshay Kumar's starrer Bachchan Pandey and is all set to feature in social-drama film 'Mimi' in which she will be seen alongside Pankaj Tripathi who will play the role of her father.
Tuesday, December 08, 2020 12:34 IST