Shah Rukh Khan fans are eagerly waiting to watch the actor on the big screen and after the announcement of YRF's action spy flick, 'Pathan', his lovers are quite excited now. In the film, the Badshah will be seen opposite his lucky charm Deepika Padukone. Helmed by Hrithik Roshan's 'WAR' director Siddharth Anand, the film also stars handsome hunk, John Abraham who is portraying the antagonist role. Now as per the reports, the filmmakers have decided to unveil the first look of Shah Rukh Khan from the film.
Yash Raj Films has marked January 1, 2021, date to unveil the first look poster of Shah Rukh Khan as a spy agent from Pathan. As the production house wants to create a stir among his fans and they find the new year's eve best for the poster release which indicates a fresh start for the actor. Talking about the rest of the cast, they have also started preparing for the film as Deepika has already started the shooting on the other side, John will kick-off the shoot in January.
Well, the film will witness Shah Rukh Khan and John pitted against each other. Since the film is a big-budget actioner, we can only imagine the blockbuster it is already screaming for itself. Whereas as per the reports, Shah Rukh Khan will continue the Pathan shoot till August 2021. So the actor has geared himself and will only focus on the YRF project. Shah Rukh Khan's Pathan is a big part of #YRFProject50 and is set to release in 2021.
On the work front, Shahrukh Khan was last seen in Anand L Rai's romantic-drama film 'Zero' (2018) featuring Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif. Unfortunately, despite having Hollywood-style VFX, the film boomed at the box-office. Meanwhile, SRK's fans are dying to watch him on the big screen although the actor is working towards his production ventures.
Friday, December 11, 2020 13:23 IST