Ajay Devgn has brought the rights of the Telugu crime-comedy Brochevarevarura which was released in 2019. Ajay has finalized the cast and crew for the film and all set to kick-off the shoot in 2021. Tentatively titled 'Velley', the film is busy in the pre-production stage and is still working on the scriptwriting. Apart from this film, Ajay Devgn is producing 'The Big Bull' and 'Tribhanga'.
As per the reports, Ajay Devgn has decided to cast Sunny Deol's son Karan Deol and Abhay Deol for the remake. The film will be directed by Deven Munjal. Well, the original film synopsis, the story revolves around the 3 loser, Rocky, Rambo and Rahul, who fail every year until they get caught up in the midst of chaos which later results in a thrilling ride.
On the other side, Ajay Devgn has start-shooting for his upcoming drama film MayDay along with Amitabh Bachchan and Rakulpreet Singh. Apart from featuring in the film, the actor will also helm the directorial seat. Well, in January the actor has to start shooting for his sports-drama Maidaan.
If speculations are true then, 'Velley' is going to be Karan Deol's second Bollywood film and first with his uncle Abhay Deol. Brochevarevarura (2019) is a Telugu crime comedy film written and directed by Vivek Athreya and produced by Vijay Kumar Manyam under the banner of Manyam Productions, featuring Sree Vishnu, Nivetha Thomas, Nivetha Pethuraj, Satyadev Kancharana in the lead roles while Priyadarshi Pullikonda, Rahul Ramakrishna play supporting roles. The film received positive reviews from critics and audience as well.
Thursday, December 17, 2020 17:23 IST