Actor Pratick Chaudharry, who is known for his role of Arjuna in the show Paramavatar Shri Krishna and will soon be seen in the web series Becharey, says that although 2020 has been challenging due to the pandemic, he learnt to utilise his time well. `Nothing was disappointing for me. I took everything in a positive way, and I was more focussed on myself. I knew the time we are getting now, we won't get this ever,` he says, adding, `I spent this time with my family, chilling together, watching movies... I will cherish it forever.`
During the lockdown too, the actor says that he made sure to remain optimistic. `Obviously, 2020 was really unexpected for everyone. We were locked up in our homes for the longest time, a lot of us were left with no work and also everyone was scared about the pandemic, but this is life. Life is all about unexpected events, all we can do is fight and survive. Life mein problems aate rahenge, all we should know is how to tackle the situation and be positive. I know saying this is easy and many people have faced a lot of problems, surviving was also very difficult but, at the end, we don't have any other option rather than facing the problem and staying positive,` he says.
He learnt a lot as well. `This year has really made all of us pick up the brooms, and mops, clean every corner of the house. But one thing that I did the most during the lockdown was cooking. And guess what? I really enjoyed it. I tried and experimented with many things which turned out to be really good. I cooked for myself and for my family. Even after lockdown, whenever I get time, I make sure to cook something for myself and my family, and try and experiment different cuisines,` he says.
He adds, `The biggest achievement for me this year is that I got to know myself better, in a busy life we don't get much time for ourselves. But now I know myself a little better. My future plans are always to be better than yesterday, stay focused, work hard and have fun.`
Friday, December 18, 2020 10:29 IST