Ex-Bigg Boss contestant and former actress Sana Khan shocked her fans when she announced her retirement from show business, citing religious reasons. Sana made the announcement in social media posts across platforms. While quitting the show biz, Sana mentioned in her post that she will now 'serve humanity and follow the order of her creator' and even deleted her several posts from the photo-sharing app. Later on, she tied the knot on November 20, 2020, with Islamic cleric Mufti Anas Sayed in Surat.
Recently, the former actress went for a honeymoon with her husband Mufti in Kashmir. Sana Khan was regular on social media while sharing pictures and videos with her fans. Many fans blamed her husband for her transformation and her decision of quitting the films. Now, Mufti Anas Sayed has come forward and broken his silence on the matter. He called those people narrow-minded who talk about their relationship and also said that he wouldn't be happy if he married someone else.
Well, Mufti Anas Sayed is happy to have Sana Khan in his life. On the other side, Sana Khan also called her husband more honest and not judgemental. Sana also mentioned that he has appeared in his life like a blessing in disguise. The couple is deeply in love with each other and enjoying their married life.
Just before her marriage, Sana Khan quit the showbiz industry and announced her retirement on social media. All this started just after, she broke up with choregrapher Melvin Louis. In February 2019, Sana confirmed her relationship with Melvin Louis but separated as of February 2020 due to some personal differences.
More about former actress Sana Khan, she began her career in modeling and went on to appear in advertisements and feature films. She has appeared in many Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada and Telugu language films, TV commercials, dance reality shows. She has acted in 14 films across 5 languages and has appeared in over 50 ad films. She was a contestant on the reality show Bigg Boss in 2012 and became a finalist.
Saturday, December 19, 2020 12:10 IST