Actress Srishti Jain, who plays beautiful Navya Tiwari, was recently unwell due to tonsillitis. She went through a severe pain and fever which led to weight loss as well.
Srishti says,`This was the first time I dealt with tonsillitis and honestly I hope I never have to deal with it again. I am going to be extra careful from now on. Close to 90%of my throat was blocked with swelling. Eating food was like swallowing glass. I was managing to swallow pills somehow because I had to get better but I could barely eat for 4 days. I had constant fever due to the infection. I'm still recovering from the weakness. I have lost weight as well since my diet was not proper. Well this is the fun part! Now I get to eat whatever I want so I can gain the weight again. So in this respect, I have no complains.`
Hamari Wali Good News recently completed its half-century and Srishti is super excited about that. She feels that an actor's life is very demanding and responsible as the commitment to both are vital. She adds,`An actor's life is always on the roll. It was not easy to give the scenes cause I was mute, the production house had to hire a dubbing artist to dub my voice. Plus I was dizzy most of the time but I couldn't disappoint my fans so I knew I had to go and give my shot. The show must go on.`
Monday, December 21, 2020 14:31 IST