Bollywood actress and daughter of Boney Kapoor, Janhvi Kapoor has recently purchased a house in Mumbai at a whopping cost of Rs 39 crore, as per the reports. According to some of the media reports, Janhvi's house is spread across three flats at Juhu and the planning to buy the house was from last year.
The deal was signed last year on 7 December. Documents accessed by the portal put the square footage at 3,456. A stamp duty of Rs 78 lakhs was paid by the actress, the report said. Other Bollywood stars like Alia Bhatt and Hrithik Roshan have also reportedly purchased new properties in Mumbai. Alia Bhatt brought a flat in the same complex as of Ranbir Kapoor while Hrithik purchased a penthouse in Juhu at a gigantic amount of Rs 100 crore.
Talking about Janhvi's professional life, the actress made her Bollywood debut with Shashank Khaitan's Dhadak. She will next be seen with Kartik Aaryan in Dostana 2, the shooting of which has already been started. Not only this, but she will also be seen in Roohi Afzana. It's a comedy horror film directed by Hardik Mehta that stars Rajkummar Rao as the male lead.
Tuesday, January 05, 2021 15:23 IST