Haathi Mere Saathi is an upcoming drama film starring Rana Daggubati, Shriya Pilgaonkar, Zoya Hussain, Pulkit Samrat. The movie has been shot in three different languages. The highly anticipated drama will star Rana Daggubati in all three titles with Vishnu Vishal in 'Kaadan' in Tamil and 'Aranya' in Telugu respectively. In Hindi, 'Haathi Mere Saathi' will feature Pulkit Samrat as the parallel lead.
Also starring talented actresses Shreya Pilgaonkar and Zoya Hussain in important roles 'Haathi Mere Saathi' shall premiere on 26 March, 2021 in theatres. The release date is just a couple months away and the ensemble cast has the audiences excited.
The film is being bankrolled by Eros Motion Pictures, a division of Eros STX Global Corporation, is an established leader in the Indian film industry holding a track record of over 40 years.
The biggest adventure drama movie of the year for Eros International - 'Haathi Mere Saathi'. Produced by Eros Motion Pictures, a division of Eros STX Global Corporation. Directed by Prabhu Soloman will be out in theatres near you on 26th March 2021.
Thursday, January 07, 2021 10:37 IST